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Monument Who attacked London during the 9th and 10th Centuries?
Redcross What was the name of the English plague?
France In 1666 what started in London that destoryed many houses?
Wall What is the name of the big wheel in London?
Blitz what animal can you see in Richmond park?
Tube Which king had 8 wives?
Romans What did the Romans build around London?
Victoria What is the name of the Queen that made London great?
LondonEye Who rebuilt London?
Henry what is the name of the famous bridge that fell down?
Vikings what was painted on sick people's doors?
Fire Where did the Normans come from?
Deer What was it called when London was bombed in WW2?
Globe what did people put intheir pokets to stop the plague?
Exchangealley What was thrown out of windows?
Herbs What is the name of London's Subway?
Bubonic What did people put up to remember the great fire?
Rubbish What is the name of Shakespeare's theatre?
Londonbridge 1640 what happened in London?
CivilWar Where did people buy stocks?

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