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Kansas History-Indians


Complete the following crossword puzzle over ch.2

sedentary Missing phrase2 - 2
IndianRemovalAct Rights of the Native americans that were ignored by the Europeans
Cheyenne Protective vests that the Spanish Army wore.
Osage Most Common starting point for both trails headed west in the early to mid 1800's.
Mission Trail that settled the west.
Sovereign Kansas was named after this Indian tribe.
blankets 2006-07 NCAA Champs
Kansa Animal that plains indians depended on, on a daily basis.
Horses American Explorers that traveled up the Missouri River.
Peaceful Animal that the Spanish brought to the Indians, greatly increased Indians mobility.
lewisandclark Tribe most closely related to the Wichita.
Oregon Indian tribes were assigned to these in KS.
travois Closest Indian reservation to Rossville.
Spanish Kiowa chief known as "Orator of the plains".
ZebulonPike Indians used Buffalo fat for this.
tattoos This tribe was nomadic;also happens to be Mr. B's dogs name.
Pottawatomie Mythical city of gold.
SantaFe American Explorer captured by the Spanish.
Independence Trail that Osage followed on their buffalo hunts.
Rose Type of school set up for Native Americans.
ChainMail Buffalo skin was made into these.
soap Tribes that lived in permanent homes.
Disease Coronado came in contact with this tribe most frequently.
Pawnee First European explorer in Kansas.
Reservations Osage men often put these on their body for certain ceremonies.
TheGreatDesert Indians used Buffalo tongues for this.
ManifestDestiny Trail that went through KS, exclusively for transporting goods.
Steamboat Act that moved Indians from the east to the west of the Mississippi River.
Wichita Second European group to explore what is present day Kansas.
nomadic This tells us that the Kansa
Buffalo Tribes, or people on the move, constantly following a food source.
Blackdogtrail Label that Stephen Long gave the area that was to become KS.
PawneeRock First European group to explore what is present day Kansas.
Satanta Concept that envisioned the U.S. reaching from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans.
oraltradition Method of transportation for Stephen Long.
Gators Halfway landmark on the trail to Santa Fe, NM.
Quivira Tribe most closely related to the Kansa.
Hairbrush Prices often did this the further along the trail you traveled. Also a Flower.
FranciscodeCoronado Most common killer on the Oregon trail.
French Most encounters with Indians on the trail westward can be described as this.

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