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Imperialism and World War I

Mr. Schiralli

Use this crossword to study for your test. Use the word bank.Western Front, Suffrage, Hawaii, Open Door Policy, Big Stick, Convoy, Rough Riders, Panama Canal, Alaska, annexation, militarism, social darwinism, Treaty of Paris, guerilla warfare, Great Migration, preparedness, Zimmerman Note, Manila Bay, Belgium

convoy This movement encouraged the U.S. to get ready for war? (p.568)
big stick This future state was annexed after Queen Liliuokalani was overthrown? (p.524)
Zimmerman Note American soldiers did most of their fighting along the?
Western Front Filipino rebels used these tactics against American soldiers? (p.523)
social darwinism This event shocked the American people and was the immediate cause of the U.S. entry into World War I?
Treaty of Paris This treaty ended the Spanish-American War involved the territories of Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines? (p.523)
Panama Canal The movement of blacks to the North to work in factories during the war?
Open Door Policy The purchase of this territory from Russia, was called Seward's F
Belgium A volunteer calvary unit that was led by Teddy Roosevlet during the Spanish-American War? (p.522)
suffrage Merchant and troop ships traveled in this for protection? (p.574)
Manila Bay Roosevelt used the U.S. military to enforce this diplomacy? (p.529)
Hawaii The best country would survive and win any competition with other nations?
Alaska Location of a major naval victory over the Spanish? (p.522)
annexation The efforts and sacrifices of American women led the government to support?
Great Migration The German invasion of this European country outraged the American people and turned public opinion against the Germans? (p.
preparedness An aggressive build-up of a nation's armed forces? (p.565)
militarism Roosevelt supported a Panamanian rebellion against Columbia so this could be built? (p.528)
Rough Riders Hawaii became a U.S. territory through? (p.524)
guerilla warfare American approach to China around 1900, favoring open trade relations between China and other nations? (p.525)

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