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Ancient Greece and Rome

Lawrence Rowswell

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Aristotle Peaceful and prosperous Golden Age of Rome
Silk Roads Unpopular philosopher, sentenced to death for corrupting the youth of Athens
Augustus Caesar Legendary author of the "Illiad"
Colosseum A Roman general who defeated Carthage
Acropolis Litterally means "high place"
Scipio Landowners in Ancient Rome
Consuls Ancient Roman Stadium
Delphi Athenean playwright who wrote "The Trojan Women"
Pax Romana Warlike city in the south of Greece, Military rival of Athens
Greco Roman Home of the Oracle of Apollo
Hannibal These brought water to Roman cities and towns
Atilla the Hun Blend of Greek Hellenic and Roman Cultures
Euripedes Emperor of Rome who converted to Christianity
Forum A member of the First Triumvirate, Dictator of Rome
Punic Wars Athenean scientist and philosopher who wrote "Ethics," "Physics," and "Metaphysics"
Triumvirate Island in West Greece, one of the Ionian Islands, home of the legendary Odysseus
Homer The legal code of ancient Rome
Roman Arch These connected Rome to China
Persona A curved arch, structurally strong because it distributes stress evenly
Sparta The center of the Roman Empire in the East
Julius Caesar Rome vs. Carthage
Republic Leaders of the Roman Republic
Barbarian The Language of Ancient Rome
Constantinople Commoners of Ancient Rome
Tribunes The principal unit of the Roman army, typically 3,000 to 6,000 troops with cavalry
Constantine Meeting place of the Roman Republic
Athens Carthaginian general who used elephants against the Roman Army
Ithica From the Greek point of view, anyone who couldn't speak Greek
Legion He carried a lantern around in daylight, looking for an honest man
Twelve Tables Ancient Greek scientist and mathemetician who discovered the principle of water displacement
Plebeians Three rulers
Senate He was a member of the Second Triumverate
aqueducts This Mongol attacked Rome from the East
Socrates First Democracy
Latin Mask worn by a Greek Actor in a play
Germanic Tribes They attacked the Roman Empire from the West
Diogenes Plebians elected to office
Archimedes Patricians elected to office, Roman Elders
Patricians Elected representative government, from the Latin for "public matters"

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