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French Revolution

Jack Ellston

Difficult Crossword Puzzle

KingLouis What did the king come back to Paris with as a sign of good will?
ThePlain Who mainly marched to Versailles on October 5, 1791?
JosephGuillotin Who was the main leader behind the revolution?
Themountain What factions name came from a department with the same name?
Women What was the first of the three factions?
Gironde Who was executed on January 21, 1793?
MaximilienRobespierre What was the "killing machine" of the French Revolution?
tallie what was the name of the first phase of the revolution
NationalAssembly What country was Marie Antoinette from?
OldRegime What was the name of the tax that upper citizens were exempt from?
Reaction What type of Government did the National Convention declare France?
Phimosis Who was the creator of the guillotine?
Republic What was the name of the last phase of the revolution?
September What is name of building peasants tore down "brick by brick"?
Austria What popular sport's playing surface did members of the 3rd estate have an oath on?
flour What faction had the majority of the members?
Bastille What was a major event that happened in 1789?
Estates The ___ Massacres when the revolutionaries killed 1,000
Tennis What illness that was believed to be had by King Louis XVI preventing him from having children?
Guillotine What were the three groups that separated France into called?

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