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The Great Depression

Kunal Sinha

Directions- There are no spaces between the words. Try your best and have fun.

newdeal Taxes on imported goods.
sec Stock Exchange Commission
stockmarketcrash A bad time with a lot of unemployment.
thegreatdepression The President durin th Great Depression
depression FDR's strategy for relief and recovery in the United States during the depression.
blacktuesday A very large dust storm that caused many farmers to move and look for jobs.
activist A benefit plan for people in their old age.
fdr A person who acts against or for a specific cause.
dustbowl When the Stock Market is in bad shape.
secondnewdeal President after Hoover who served 4 terms
unemployment When the Stock Market is in good shape.
bearmarket The day the Great Depression truly began -Thursday, October 24, 1929
stockexchange A place where stocks are sold.
bullmarket The state of being without a job
alphabetagencies A time when the Stock Market crashed and many people lost their jobs.
herberthoover When the value of stocks goes down.
socialsecurity After the first New Deal began to crumble in the face of opposition and issues of constitutionality, FDR laid out plans for the _________.
surplus The New Deal created so many agencies and federal organizations called_________
tariff More than you need.
stockmarket A group of stock brokers.

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