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Cold War Terms

Tristan Walker

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ArabIsraeliconflict AKA six day war
PragueSpring US airforce attack on April 15th 1986
HungarianRevolution Also known as the "German hold-up" (24 June 1948 – 11 May 1949) was one of the first major international crises of the Cold War
Contras The final act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe
StarWars A spontaneous nationwide revolt against the Stalinist government of Hungary
pingpongdiplomacy The high point of tensions in the Cold War
BerlinWall Aimed to promote economic and cultural cooperation between African and Asian nations
KoreanWar Another name for Strategic Defense Initiative
AfghanWar A 9 year conflict resulting in the Taliban coming into power
VietNamWar The USSR's response to NATO
WarsawPact A first attempt at reducing Nuclear weapons
BandungConference The game of chicken on a global military level
PartialTestBanTreaty politically motivated practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence
SALTone The USA's policy of not allowing communism to spread
MarshallPlan A competition between two or more parties for real or apparent military supremacy
containment The primary plan of the United States for rebuilding Western Europe
HelsinkiAccord A second attempt at reducing Nuclear weapons
CubanMissileCrisis Dubeck's reforms in Czechloslovakia that the USSR didn't allow
COMECON This decended across the middle of Europe closing off the USSR
ArmsRace Nations who refused to send athletes to the sporting events in 1980 and 1984
IronCurtain A period where US and Chinese ping pong players back and forth to soften tensions
dominotheory This seperated East and West halfs of the German capital
BerlinAirlift Conflict in mid Africa from 1993 to 1994
TrumanDoctrine PTBT
NATO During this war if you crossed the 38th paralell you would be in big trouble
Olympicboycotts A treaty between the USA and the USSR on the Reduction of Strategic Offensive Arms.
NicaraguanCivilWar The military equivalent to to this was the Warsaw Pact
Utwo French for Relaxation
START Member states of this agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party.
BrezhnevDoctrine First ever man made satilite
BerlinBlockade The ability for people to live together without war
Grenadainvasion Western Allies flying supplies into Brilin
SALTtwo A spyplane used in the Cold War
peacefulcoexistence This speculated that if one land in a region came under the influence of communism, then the surrounding countries would follow
détente Codenamed Operation Urgent Fury this was frowened upon by the United Nations
brinkmanship is a label given to the various rebel groups opposing Nicaragua's FSLN
Libyanbombing A south Asain conflict lasting from 1959-1975
McCarthyism This was announced to retroactively justify the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia
Sputnik A set of principles of U.S. foreign policy saying the United States must support freedom-loving peoples wherever communism threatened them

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