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Needles Some _________ still live as nomads in mobile tents in Magnolia.
Twenty-two What is low in the Northwest region?
Backward What percent of the Chinese had a washing machine by the 1990's?
Surpluses Acupuncture is inserting what into certain points of the body to relieve pain?
Two What do the Chinese have in their homes where they burn candles in memory of their loved one's?
Japan Between China and Russia there is a protective zone between the two what is that protective zone called?
Beijing Magnolia is twice the size as what state in the US?
Loess What did hundreds and thousands of Chinese do to take advantage of the wealth in the Southeast?
Altars _______ was a province in China until 1921.
Communist In 1991 foreign investors poured _____-_____ billion dollars in the special economic zone.
Eighty In Taiwan the nationalist set in motion the industrial _______ program.
Ethnic Taiwan is a small ______island.
Mongolians What is a fine yellow brown loam spread by seasonal dust storms in China?
Buddhism Hong Kong soon became an important ____________ center.
Ideograms In the 1900's there was a new part formed called the Nationalist People's Party, what kind of people made up this party?
Texas Taiwan has no official contact with China until what month in 1987?
Modernization What taught that parents should set good examples for their children and that the children should obey the parents?
Warlords In 1937 there was an invasion in China that forced the Nationalsists and the Communists to unite against this country, what country did they unite against?
Northeast _______ was a way station that grew into a large town.
Xizang In the mid 1800's the lack of military technology provided what?
Culture What is the most popular tradtional faith?
Tibet Mao Zedong was China's first ________ leader, he believed that power laid in numbers.
Population When Mao agreed to a new population policy he said families could have no more than how many children?
World The soil in what region has been made fertile by loess?
Died What is used to write chinese?
Fifty-six What did the Chinese rename Tibet?
Buffer China is known as the land with great ______ diversity.
Migrating Beijing was known as the legal seat of government for which country?
Increase Hong Kong is ranked as one of the most crowded places in the ________.
Volcanic ________ is a major industrial center in China.
Nationalists The Great Leap Forward resulted in a serious leap_________.
Confucius Around ______-_____ ethnic minority groups live in China.
Kashgar Some Chinese wanted to take on technology in to order to defend and protect their what?
Magnolia Mao Zedong done what in 1976?
November What can food shortages from one region be met from other regions with?
Years Who seized power in their own regions?
Disadvantage In 1911 the Nationalists seized power and forced who to give up his throne?
Manufacturing The Chinese believe that no law or red gaurd can wipe out two thousand ______ of tradition.
Emporer The isolation in _______ was ended by the Chinese in 1950.
China What was the population expected to do in Shanghai by the year 2015?

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