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Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce

Mr. Jay Nielsen

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White Nez Perce is French for "______ nose"
honorable wild areas with no trails or paths; ______ wilderness
Appaloosas the name of the place where US forces were defeated by the Nez Perce; _____ Bird Canyon
reservation a leader of a tribe
Thunder part of a war or smaller than a war (plural)
battles the tribe of Chief Joseph; Nez ______
chief the mountains that the Nez Perce lived by out west
Perce Young Joseph attempted to avoid this when the US Army tried to force the Nez Perce North off their land
bones the object that Young Joseph gave General Howard and General Miles with dignity
pierced to be known by alot of people
retreat people who are sent to teach religion to others
dignity the tens place number in the year that Young Joseph became chief of his people
marveled what the US kept making and then breaking with the Nez Perce tribe; plural
country moving to a place of safety; the opposite of staying to fight
famous the subject where you might study the past
Young the valley that Old Joseph lived in around 1840
peace marked an event with special food, games, and music; past tense
Cayuse the month that Young Joseph died
Howard self respect and pride
missionaries the antonym of fight; also your fingers in a V is a sign for this
promises the name of the spotted horses the Nez Perce had
September the name of the land that makes up a continent; US or Mexico is called this
Wallowa the type of animal the Nez Perce went east over the mountains for
salmon land set aside by the US government where Native Americans have to live
buffalo the type of fish the Nez Perce caught for food
celebrated what the missionaries called the son of Old Joseph; "_____ Joseph"
Earth a voice gave Young Joseph the name of _____ Rolling in the Mountains
history Old Joseph told Young Joseph to ,"never sell the ____ of your father and your mother"
Canada the tribe that was infected by a deadly sickness
Rocky admired greatly; past tense
rifle Old Joseph and his family called the _____ their mother
Nimipau the country to the north of the United States
bloodshed worthy of trust and respect
trackless the original name of the Nez Perce tribe that meant the "People"
seven the last name of the general sent out to capture Young Joseph

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