Jews | | Number of points in Wilson's plan to end WWI |
Czechoslovakia | | U.S. president who devloped the idea of the League of Nations |
Manchuria | | Type of government in Russia following WWI |
Nations | | One of the groups Hitler blamed for Germany's loss in WWI |
Austria | | Country invaded by Germany on Sept. 1, 1939 the start of WWII |
Negotiations | | Country that Germany made a secret treaty with; agreed to divide up poland |
Vesailles | | Country which owned the Sudetenland |
Submarine | | Disputes between countries were to be settled by ________ instead of force. The first step in the League of Nations |
Japan | | Area of Germany that was demilitarized after WWI |
Appeasement | | American policy after WWI |
Demilitarized | | Country that was invaded by Italy in 1934 |
Reparations | | Position Hitler was elected to in 1933 |
Fourteen | | Political party that Adolph Hitler was a member of |
Sudetenland | | League of _______ formed at the end of WWI, was supposed to ensure peace |
Poland | | To satisfy or make calm by giving what is wanted |
Russia | | Treaty that ended WWI |
Isolationism | | To keep free of military personnel or weapons |
Abyssinia | | Payment for damage, Germany had to $17 billion after WWI |
Wilson | | Country that Germany was not allowed to unite with following WWI |
Pacifist | | Country that was forced to take the full blame for WWII |
Nazi | | To draft or mandatory military service |
Chamberlin | | Someone who is against war or fighting for any reason |
Hilter | | Country that quit the League of Nations |
Munich | | Area of China that was invaded by Japan in 1931 |
Conscription | | Type of naval vessel that Germany was not allowed to have after WWI |
Communist | | Region Hitler demanded be handed over to Germany |
Rhineland | | Leader of Germany who led them into WWII |
Chancellor | | Area of Germany that was occupied by the French after WWI |
Rhur | | Prime Minister of Great Britain who appeased Hilter |
Germany | | Name of the agreement which gave Germany the Sudetenland |