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Aztec and Renaissance History

Haileybury College

No description

olmec Name of area of "Middle/Mexican America"
Florence How Aztec capital was connected to mainland
Cuba Started a religious revolution
calpulli Aztec god who was said to return
Tenochtitlan Portugeuse explorer. He went to India.
causeway Country with whom the Spanish competed for exploration
Luther Donna Marina did this job for the Spanish
Columbus Clan or community of 100 Aztec people
smallpox Ancient people, before the Aztecs
Anatomy Bumped into "West Indies" in 1492
rebirth Invented movable type printing press
gold Mob that teamed up with the Spanish against the Aztecs
Pope Way of thinking that promoted self belief and science.
Tlaxcalans Number of theses nailed to a Church door
translator Head of the Catholic Church
chinampas Name of Aztec capital
Gutenberg Portugese explorer. He cut a lap of Africa in 1448
christianity Da Vinci's sketches in this field helped medicine
Protestant Name of Aztec leader. He headbutted a rock.
humanism The real reason why the Spanish conquered the Aztecs
Copernicus Name of tribe Cortez first had to defeat
aqueduct Spice used by the Aztecs, now popular
siege Way of piping fresh water to Aztec capital
ninetyfive The pretend reason why the Spanish conquered the Aztecs
chilli Boom town of Italy during the Renaissance.
Quetzalcoatl What 'renaissance' literally translates to...
Portugal It lasted 75 days
New World First large scale printed book
mesoamerica Religion that started in the Renaissance
Tabascans Name of America, unknown to the Europeans
bible Country in which the Reformation began.
Dagama Believed the Earth orbited the Sun
Moctezuma Disease that Aztecs battled against
Germany Family that paid artists to create for Florence.
Medici Name of reclaimed land on a swamp
Diaz Diego Velazquez was the governor of Hispanola, now....

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