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Chapter 20 Crossword

Anida Sundara

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Silver mountain range that is considered the boundary between the continents of Europe and Asia
Manchu Japanese warlords and great landowners
MacartneyMission Reigns of the Kangxi and Qianlong emperors were a period of great economic, military, and cultural _________ in China
PetertheGreat Russian tsar (r.1689-1725)
Daimyo Ingenious covered warships
QingEmpire The Qing were eager to expand China's ___________ influence
warfare Year of death of Hideyoshi
Turtleboats The influx of _________ led many Chinese to dues
Europe Extreme northeastern section of Asia
China Russia became one of the major powers of Europe by ________.
achievement Empire established in China by Manchus who overthrew the Ming Empire in 1644
rice Emperors and shoguns symbolize ________ unity, but lacked political power.
1500 Japanese emperors resides in the capital city of ____________
Kyoto Japan experienced _________ major changes
TokugawaIeyasu Qing emperor
MingEmpire Empire bases on China that ZhuYuanzhang established after the overthrow of the Yuan Empire
Amurriver The Chinese who escorted Macartney and his entourage in 1792-1793 took them through China's prosperous cities hand productive ____________
1750 ___________ established new military government. (first and last name)
tsar The Chinese influenced __________
Military "those who serve"
Nobility Portugeuse and Spanish ships brought __________ missionaires
Catholic High grade blue on white porcelain used by China's upperclass
Taiwan Yangban means ________
economic In mid-1600's Japan had direct contact with ________
farmland Agricultural laborers
UralMountains (1792-1793) unsuccessful attempt by the British Empire
Siberia Chinese rebel leader
LiZicheng River valley that was contested frontier between northern China and eastern Russia
Cossacks In late 17th century, Edo had nearly a million ___________
serfs Russian title for monarch
TokugawaShogunate In 1700's there was an inability to stabilize ___________ prices
MatteoRicci The Ming and Qing empire eventually ________.
collapsed Outstanding Jesuit of late Ming China
Three Time period Japan experienced civil war
1598 Japanese _________ technology was the first major impact of the Europeans
Europeans (1600-1868) last of the three shogunates in Japan
samurais federation of Northeast Asian peoples who founded the Qing Empire
Kangzi ________ among different daimyo was common
Edo Peoples of the Russian Empire who lived outside the farming villages
imperial Known today as Tokyo
inhabitants Manchu had gained control of south China and incorporated the island __________

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