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Chapter 12 Americn History

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NapoleanBonaparte economic system in which the production of goods and services is decided by supply and demand
neutrality largest population in Western Europe
BerlinWall person who wants a region to break away from the nation it was part of
BastilleDay one of smallest countries in Europe
ombudsman social system where government provides needs to its citizens
Vatican famous landmark in Paris
Germany emperor of France in 1800s
polders pride in and loyalty to one's nation
Valencian largest country in Western Europe
reunify required
multilingual Finland's most plentiful natural resource
EiffelTower coffee house in Greece
Milan murder of Jews by Nazis in WWII
Luxembourg Dictator of Spain for 40 years
kafeneio official who investigates citizens' complaints against the government
KingJuanCarlosI eastern half of the Roman Empire that survived after fall of Rome
separatist an alliance or partnership
parliamentarydemocracy ethnic group living in the western Pyrenees and Bay of Biscay in Spain
forests wall that closed off East Berlin from West Berlin
Basque German head of state during WWII
Spain very common form of transportation and recreation in Netherlands
fascism economic union formed by Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg
federalrepublic Italian navigator who discovered the Indies, the New World
ChristopherColumbus language shared by Germany, Austira, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein
Sami official residence of the pope in Vatican city
Bicycles rice made in Italy
Dutch one of the poorest nations in Europe
AdolfHitler key industry of France
risotto Spanish dish of seafood, meat and vegetables mixed with yellow rice
Portugal electricity made by water-powered engines.
IberianPeninsula seafaring Scandinavian people in the 9th to 11th centuries
tourism vast area of flat or gently rolling land from France to Russia
Alpine peninsula that includes Spain and Portugal
hydroelectric power One of Spain's languages
Reconquista group of Muslims from North Africa who conquered Spain in the 8th century
Vikings political philosophy that promotes blind loyalty to the state and controlled by dictator
Catholic current government of Portugal and France
ByzantineEmpire Religion of most people of Austria, Spain and Portugal
nationalism government of Spain after Franco's death
welfarestate land reclaimed by draining it of water with the use of a dam and pump
autonomy people of northern Scandinavia who herd reindeer
Prussia One of Spain's languages
France government of Austria, Switzerland, and Germany
coalition sponsored Christopher Columbus' voyages to the New World
Benelux having to do with Alps mountain range
Portuguese language of Portugal
compulsory official language of Netherlands
FranciscoFranco city in northern Italy famous for its fashion shows
paella territory ruled by a duke or duchess
Northern European Plain successful effort by Spanish to drive out the Moors
bullfighting organization of European nations
Catalan able to speak many languages
Romancelanguage French holiday on July 14 where they celebrate their nation
EuropeanUnion languages that developed from the Roman language, Latin
parliamentarymonarchy self-governance or independence
Moors bring something that has been separated back together
German most powerful German state in Holy Roman Empire
duchy Spain's most famous traditional sport
marketeconomy policy of not taking part in war
Holocaust ruler of Spain

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