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History of Africa from 500bc-1650bc

Mr. Snarey

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governors powerful empire that controled the Niger River (pg 334)
Timbuktu group of families that were farmers (pg 326)
Maghan spoken record of past events (pg 340)
Almoravids tells the history of Ghana (pg 341)
mosque a valuable resource for trade (pg 327)
province a valuable resource for trade, used on food (pg 327)
farmers the area where Mali lay which allowed people to control trade on the river (pg 334)
scholars metal that helped Ghana gain strength (pg 327)
Muslims religious world Mansa Musa introduced Mali to (pg 335)
Ghanaempire son of Mansa, weakened the Mali empire (pg 337)
bone a second reason for Ghana's decline (pg 330)
Dejenne ruler of Mali (pg 334)
Nigerriver storytellers of early West Africa (pg 340)
Askiathegreat set up by Askia to help maintain order in Songhai (pg 338)
griots rival empire to Mali (pg 337)
internalrebellion new crop introduced by Sundiata (pg 334)
Kente other armies had weapons made of this (pg 327)
silentbarter another city that became a center of learning (pg 338)
overgrasing ruler who made Timbuktu flourish (pg 338)
honey short sayings of wisdom of truth (pg 341)
gold a process in which people exchange goods without ever contacting each other directly (pg 328)
Mali a building for Muslim prayer (pg337)
oralhistory very important trade city for Mali (pg 335)
Sundiata religion of Songhai rulers (pg 337)
Soninke empire that lay between Niger and Senegal Rivers (pg 326)
Berbers The Songhai capital (pg 337)
Songhai the first people of Ghana participated in this activity (pg 326)
proverbs kings acted as these when conquored by Ghana, answering only to the King (pg 330)
Dausi most famous Mali ruler (pg 335)
Islamic hand-woven, brightly colored fabric (pg 343)
Gao Muslim group that weakened Ghana to collapse (pg 330)
MansaMusa a third factor for Ghana's decline (pg 330)
salt these were sent to study in Morocco (pg 335)
iron traded with Songhai because of similar religion (pg 337)
cotton the empire reached it's peak under this king (pg 330)
TunkaManin trade resource that came from the south (pg 329)

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