Suez | | Dutch settlers in South Africa |
Toure | | Reporter who found Livingstone |
Buganda | | The Boers' journey into African interior |
protectorate | | Englishman who became rich from diamonds |
Boers | | Ethiopian Ruler |
diamonds | | French colony in North Africa |
Algeria | | Country whose foreign policy is controlled by an outside government |
cashcrops | | Establishment of colonies |
kimberley | | Canal that links Med. and Red Seas |
MenelikII | | Explorer of African interior |
Stanley | | Crops raised for export |
condominium | | Main commodity of South Africa |
GreatTrek | | The ruler of the Mandingo Empire |
colonization | | African Kingdom on shores of Lake Victoria |
Livingstone | | Location of diamond mine in S.A. |
zulus | | Warrior people of South Africa |
Rhodes | | A country ruled jointly by two other countries |