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Women's Health

Bergen, Biechy, Byer, Wright


obesity ________ make up the largest proportion of the older population in the U.S.
osteoporosis Glucose tolerance tests are an example of _________ prevention
women Depression and ____ are twice more likely to affect women than men
height Every one 1 out of 2 American women > 50 yrs. will experience an osteoporosis-related ______
morbidity BMI is the relationship of body weight and _____
Medicaid Gestational dabete mellitus is characterized by _________ intolerance
cancer BMI is now the medical standard for determining ______
abuse Female genital mutilation are associated with _______ rates
Folic acid Second leading cause of death among all women
fracture Referred to as the change of life in a woman
drugs Hyde Amendment excluded payment for abortions for rlow-income women through ______
side Women's ______ involves health promotion, maintenance,
Socioeconomic ______ disease ranks first for women discharged from the acute care setting
breast Women with disabilities are thought to endure _____ longer
secondary Estimated > 240,000 women die of _____ ______ each year
Menopause Women in low _____ groups lack awareness about importance of taking folic acid
estrogen Falling levels of _______ contribute to loss of bone
heart attacks ____ ___ intake can significantly reduce neural tube defects by 50-70%
anxiety ______ cancer is the third lading cause of cancer death in women
Sanger Incidence of ____ cancer is higher in white women than African-American women
Preconceptual Women's health advocates argue for prenatal care to include _______ counseling
carbohydrate Margaret ______ led the birth control movement
Cardiovascular Injecting _____ increase a woman's risk of acquiring AIDS
Health Hormone replacement therapy treats _____ effects of menopause
Colorectal Diets rich in calcium and vitamin D slow the progression of ________

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