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The Urinary System

Yer Yang

The terms in here are related to the Urinary System, which is made up of two kidney, two ureters, one urinary bladder, and a single urethra.

hemeostasis the first kidney to form
enuresis wastes found within blood
pronephros the space between the basement membrane and pedicel
cystocele inflammation of the trigone area of the bladder
retention areolar connective tissue with elastic fibers and a plexus of vein
adventitia external to the peritoneal lining of the abdominal cavity
nephroptosis the functional parts of any organ, as opposed to tissue that forms it stoma
metanephros circular muscle
kidney the inner tissue area of the kidney
uremia a thin tube that takes urine from the kidney to the bladder
parenchyma composed of inner longitudinal and outer circular layers of smooth muscle fibers
incontinence the outer layer of the kidney
urine hernia of the urinary bladder
renal pelvis the balance between the volume of fluids and mineral in the body
nephrons bean-shaped
filtration slit the act which urine is expelled from the urinary bladder
vasa recta the wastes that is collected combines with water
dysyria bacteria found within the urine
medulla a ball formed of small blood capillaries
hematuria footlike structures
glomerulus wastes found within urine
urea failure to complete or normally void urine
oliguria an absence of urine
renal calculi painful urination
agenesis tissue that contains blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerves
pedicels presence of urea or other nitrogenous elements in the blood
medullary scanty urine production; little urination
sphincters the ultimate kidney
cortex a doughnut-shaped gland inferior to the urinary bladder
azotemia blood found within the urine
bladder a tube that carries the urine out of your body
ureter absence of one or more kidney
anuria long loop-shaped capillaries
lamina propia bed wetting
muscularis diseases of the kidney
micturition inability to hold urine inside the bladder
prostate gland the middle part of the kidney
bacteriuria the salts in the urine that solidify into stones
urethra a sac in the lower part of your body; stores urines
trigonitis floating kidney
retroperitoneal a cavity in the center of the kidney

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