palmaris brevis | | This muscles main action is to flex the arm |
DIP | | This muscle allows opposition of the thumb |
flexor digitorum superficialis | | This muscle stabilises the skin of the palm for gripping and helps with handwriting |
lunate | | This muscle which adbucts the arm and has three fibres |
PIP | | The smaller of the muscles which elevate and retract the scapula |
plexus | | A joint which joins the clavical and acromion |
flexor carpi ulnaris | | This muscles main action is to extend the arm |
myotome | | An acronym for distal interphalangeal joint |
flexor pollicis longus | | This muscle allows the middle phalanx of each finger to bend/flex |
tendon | | this muscle allows extension and abduction of the little finger (digit 5) |
dorsal interossei | | One of the three elbow joints starting with H |
palmar interossei | | An acronym for proximal interphalangeal joint |
deltoid | | This muscle inserts at the base of the first metacarpal (base of thumb) |
flexor carpi radialis | | A carpal bone starting with L |
MCP | | This muscle pronates the forearm |
biceps brachii | | An area of skin innervated by a single dorsal nerve root |
humeroradial joint | | the group of skeletal Muscles innervated by a particular spinal nerve are collectively known as this. |
triceps brachii | | This muscle allows flexion and radial deviation of the hand |
levator scapulae | | This muscle allows flexion of the distal phalanx of the thumb |
rhomboideus minor | | This muscle elevates the scapula |
extensor digiti minimi | | The main spinal nerve that innervates the wrist |
dermatome | | Brachial P......... |
extensor indicis | | This muscle allows the hand to move into ulnar deviation and flexion |
extensor carpi ulnaris | | Joins bone to muscle |
abductor pollicis longus | | A great acronym for this muscle is DAB (abduction) |
pronator teres | | This muscle supinates the forearm |
acromioclavicular joint | | An acronym for metacarpalphalangeal joint |
supinator | | A great acronym for this muscle is PADD (adduction) |
ligament | | Joins bone to bone |
C6 | | This muscle allows the hand to move into ulnar deviation and extension |
opponens pollicis | | This muscle extends the index finger |