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Concepts of Substance Dependence and Abuse


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experimentation some _______________ therapies are available to reduce cravings, remove w/drawal symptoms, and prevent introduction of euphoria
abstention indirect increase of DA release from the ventral tegmental are to the nucleus accumbens triggers the ______ pathway
abuse the goal of _______ in substance abuse/dependence is to decrease the frequency of substance use days and to decrease the amount of substance ingested per setting and per month
therapy _______ users use substances to prevent withdrawal symptoms, to relieve anticipatory anxiety, and to treat breakthrough treatments
chronic the primary treatments are __________________ and incolve individual and/or group cognitive behavioral therapy, support group participation, and urine monitoring for drugs of abuse (also sweat, saliva and blood)
dependence this is associated w/VTA-NA pathway; just because there's this type of risk, doesn't mean there'll be a problem
environmental positive reinforcement gives the feeling of a ____
withdrawal this is the characteristic __________ syndrome for the substance or the same (or closely related) substance is taken to relieve or avoid __________ syndrome
prefrontalcortex there are psychiatric and medical ______________ that effects the NA pathway
relapsing areas of _________ involve reducing cravings, removing w/drawal symptoms and preventing introduction of euphoria
using negative reinforcement gives the feeling of ___________
nonpharmacological this part of the brain gets stimulated by drugs
social this is the emotional part of the brain that's stimulated when something pleasureable happens; it's a bunch of neurons that are interconnected
high this part of the brain releases a surge of DA; can be negative consequences associated w/it due to severe, cosistent trauma therefore causing less risk of substance abuse
fatal ________ reinforcement produces removal of w/drawal and comorbid symptom relief
ventraltegmentalarea recurrent activation of the reward pathway will eventually cause changes that lead to dysphoria if pathway has less than massive stimulation due to receptor ____-regulation
abstinent ________ addiction is not relieved by treating a suspected causative condition
comorbidities substance _____ is a maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by one (or more) of the following, occurring w/in a 12-mo period: recurrent substance use resulting in: a failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school or home; in a situation in which it is physically hazardous, legal problems, persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems causes or exacerbated by effects of substance
progressive one starts _____ chemicals of abuse due to family history, experimentation, peer pressure, and legally prescribed
genetics this part of the brain is the cognitive portion of the brain, figures out how to activate pathway again
tolerance this means no use of substance of abuse at all
withdrawal _________ addiction is prone to recurrence if untreated
nucleusaccumbens this means substance use has led to a compulsion to use; is a major life dysfunction
habituation this means the substance use is an established patteren of use w/no major consequences
addiction people would ______ chemicals to feel euphoric, escape from reality, treat uncomfortable symptoms, and treat w/drawal symptoms
biology this is characterized by the substance of abuse becoming the most important part of the person's life and loss of family, friends, health, and work
addiction substance __________ is a maladaptive pattern of substance use, leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by 3 (or more) of the following, occurring at any time in the 12-mo period: tolerance, withdrawal, or the substance is often taken in larger amounts or over longer period than was intended, persistent desire or unseccessful efforts to cot down or control substance use, a great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain the substance, use the substance or recover from the substance, important social, occupational or recreational activities are given up or reduced b/c of substance use, or substance use is continued despite knowledge of having persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that's likely to have been caused or exacerbated by substance
down this means the substance is used out of curiosity
misuse ________ reinforcement produces euphoria
treatment this means the substance is continued to be used despite negative consequences
abuse _______ addiction is incurable but managable
negative there can be stree-induced and continuous exposure due to _____________ factors that effect the NA pathway
primary this means the substance is used sporadically and infrequently
pharmacological this is a need for markedly increased amounts of the substance to achieve intoxification or desired effect
current recent _________ users use subtances to decrease residual physical w/drawal symptoms, to treat emotional withdrawal, to deal w/loss of cpoing strategy, increase in symptoms of comorbidity, and frequent environmental cues and triggers
amygdala any drug w/abuse potential will have direct or indirect activation of the nucleus accumbens due to _______
positive _____ addiction is premature death in untreated individuals
reward ____________ addiction gets worse if untreated

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