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Stress Management

Mr. Levesque

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PhysicalFitness You should take time everday to _________
Mental What do or don't I have control over
Environmental The act of staying neat and productive
Themself Taking responsibility for your life
Social Good stress
Visualization Seek 1st to _________ then to be understood
Priorities Negative way to manage stress
Homeostasis What is the 1st phase of GAS
Notes Taking time to put a stressful situation into perspective
Diffusion _______is when the body is in equilibrium
Active There are physical, emotional, and ________ symptoms of stress
Stressor _________ help you stay organized in school
Planners Long term stress
GAS _______ Improves your outlook on life
Eustress What is the acronym for fight or flight
Doormat A good way to stay organized in class, is to take detailed _______
Drugs Anything that cause you stress
Alarm A _______ list helps you to stay organized
FastFood Ways you can help your body handle stress, nutrition, physical Activity, and ________
Sleep Relaxation technque we did in class
Assertive A strong _________ network helps us cope with stress
Control The best way to communicate
Organization Leading cause of death
HeartDisease Weather is a type of _______ stressor
Todo The best way to listen
Chronic Some thing that should be completely cut out of your diet
Understand A passive communicator is like a _________
Proactive 7-9 hours of sleep helps to relieve ________
Stress A agressive communticator only cares about ________
Relax Time management is characterized as setting your ________

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