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Still Births

Jennifer Pluta

How to grieve a loss of a Child.

Depression I did something wrong
Drugs A bad Habit people do
Church Physical, Mental, or Emotional
Autopsy Family and friends give you
Smoking Kinda of diabetes that is worse
Grieve people you can turn too for support
Chaplin A baby dies while sleeping
Type two Someone dealing with relgion who see people in Hospitals
Friends Can this really be happening
Suicide To View the baby in the womb
Stress Number 1 killer of babies in the womb
High Risk A place to go and pray
Pesticides Don't be afraid to show emotion
Diabetes Don't hold back tears
Medications Not a normal Pregnacy
Acceptence A therapist is used for
Abuse This happend for a reason
Ultrsound Illegal
Support Cramping, redness, bleeding, and fever
Genetic Can wrap around babies neck in womb
Symptoms First reaction of a loss
SIDS Abnormalities with the baby
Guilt what can be preformed to find out what happend
Recovery When you feel out of control
Umbilical Cord I can't live anymore
Counselling A baby born dead
Shock Prescribed Drugs
Cry The ablity to reconnect with life
Miscarriage A sickness women get after childbirth
Stillbirth Another name for StillBirth
Defects Get's put on farm feilds to kill bugs
Denial Heretity plays a role

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