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Spread the Words, Not Germs!

Jennifer Rabalais

This puzzle will let you use words you learn during your inservice on Isolation for Infection Prevention.

spore inflammation of the liver, often caused by viruses
gown the precautions you use when a person has an infected draining wound
goggles a drug resistant organism
gloves eye protection
hepatitis the virus that causes AIDS
MRSA the kind of transmission that happens when large particles float a short distance
bloodborne goes with water when washing hands
resistance the kind of transmission that happens when small particles float around
soap one of the smallest organisms that can cause disease
standard precautions used for everyone
precaution the most important part of infection prevention
isolation covering of cloth or paper to protect clothes from contamination
contact taking steps to avoid an unwanted outcome
N-95 worn to protect hands while caring for patients
contaminated effective ingredient in hand sanitizer gel
alcohol the separation of infected persons from others
mask needles and razors are examples of these
tuberculosis what happens when germs fight back against antibiotics
sterilize covers mouth and nose
handwashing the kind of mask NEVER put on a patient
droplet no longer clean or sterile
airborne a airborne disease transmitted by coughing
sharps to destroy all organisms
HIV carried by the blood or found in the blood
virus formed by C. difficile

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