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Skeleton, Muscles, and Bones

Brad Gallant

No description

skull material inside bones that produce a lot of red blood cells
tendon differently shaped for men and women
ball-and-socket other leg bone
humerus second skin layer; has hair folicles, oil, nerves, and sweat glands
mandible pigment in the epidermis that protects the skin from sun damage and gives color
periosteum membrane colvering the bones
tibia collar bone
immovable joint that slides flat on another flat spot; the spine or metacarpals
vertebrae hip or shoulder joint
phalanges large bone protecting the head
plane protects many vital organs
patella holds bones together at the joint
marrow chew, chew, chew
pelvis bones that make up the spine
clavicle reduces friction at the end of the bones, also in your ears and nose
dermis fingers and toes
epidermis attaches muscles to bones
femur connected to the funny bone (HaHa)
cartilage joint that doesn't move...hence the name!
melanin kneecap
ligament joint that is meant to work like a door
hinge outer layer of the skin; replaces itself constantly
fibula largest bone in the body
ribs shin bone

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