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The Skeletal System

Mrs. Gendron - Health Class Grade 5

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radius the many bones in your ankle
ribcage your shoulder blade
fibula large bone to which your legs are attached
skull toes and fingers
scapula smaller of the two lower leg bones along the outside
metatarsals long upper leg bone between your hip and knee
tibia your knee cap
tarsals the large bone in your upper arm between your shoulder and elbow
femur this bone in your lower jaw allows you to chew your food
pelvis the bones that enclose and protect the brain
humerus one of the lower bones of your arm between your elbow and little finger
carpals the front center bone of your chest where the ribs connect
clavicle the smaller bones that make up your wrist
mandible the set of bones that enclose and protect the heart and lungs
ulna one of the lower bones of your arm between your elbow and thumb
spine your collar bone
sternum the bones between your ankle and toes
patella the bones between your wrist and fingers
metacarpals your backbone
phalanges the top bone of the lower leg between your knee and ankle

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