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Sex and Gender

Amanda and Kaileen

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Penis Female internal accessory organ
Bisexual One who is attracted to the opposite sex
Ovaries Male external genital
Cognitive Development Theory Biological maleness and femaleness, including chromosomal sex; also, activities related to sexual behaviors, such as masturbation and intercourse
Gender Role Female gonads
Homosexual Male internal accessory organ
Transvestite Emphasizes the power of the immediate situation and observable behaviors on gender role development
Vagina One who feels that they feel as though they are members of the opposite sex imprisoned in the wrong body
Labia Primary erotic attraction toward members of the opposite sex, the same sex, or both sexes
Social Learning Theory Sociatal expectations for normal and appropriate male and female behavior
Gender One who adopts the dress and behavior typical of the opposite sex
Secondary Sex Characteristics One who is attracted to both sexes
Heterosexual Female external genital
Sexual Orientation Self identification as either a man or a woman
Testes breasts, facial/armpit hair, deep voice, wide hips,etc
Transexual Points out that children actively observe,interpret and judge the world around them,creating internal rules
Sex Combining characteristics considered typically male with characteristics considered typically female
Androgyny Psychological and sociocultural meanings added to biological maleness or femaleness
Vas deferens One who is attracted to the same sex, can be a man and man, or a woman and woman
Gender Identity Male gonads

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