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Secondary Indexing


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limits explode ____ you're interested in both general term as well as in all more specific terms, aren'y sure where in MeSH tree article may be indexed
specificity this secondary database was developed by NCBI at the NLM; it's free; includes Medline database and additional life science journals; links to full text are available; available free worldwide
tags this secodary database was originally produced by ASHP but now produced by Thomson Publishing; focuses on PHARMACY PRACTICE AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCE ISSUES; indexes over 800 journals from throughout the world, including US state pharmacy journals; provides information on: pharmacy law and regulation, pharmacoeconomics, general pharmacy practice issues, compounding and other more pharmacy related topics
abstract will include citations where EITHER term may appear; use this Boolean Operator when combining synonyms or similar terms; expands search
exploding view tree to see if you SHOULD NOT explode since PubMed explodes ______________
secondary this retrieves the most general MeSH term in addition to more specific MeSH terms that are indexed under it; ALWAYS view MeSH tree to see if you should do this
keywords __________ concepts can't be indexed precisely; used keywords for these subjects
textword $ is used for ___________ terms in a keyword search
twoterms ____ stands for medical subject headings; allow one to search by SUBJECT rather than relying on specific word; provides consistent way of retrieving information that uses different terms for the same CONCEPT
medicalspecialty _____ are indexed by their generic name
automatically check ____ pinpoint specific age groups, males or femalse, humans or animals, and more; often used to limit or narrow a search
combinations you would use a _________ database to find CITATIONS on a PARTICULAR TOPIC that are published in journals, to find CITATIONS published in a SPECIFIC JOURNAL, to find CITATIONS for information published by a SPECIFIC INDIVIDUAL
Embase ____________ of Boolean Operators are usually necessary to obtain desired results
truncating a ________ is the "home address" of a source; record of information in secondary database w/"fields" identifying: article name, author(s), journal title, publication date; volume (issue): page numbers; unique identifier; may or may not include a brief abstract of the article; source cited may be primary literature
nearmatch this is a BRIEF SUMMARY of an article and is generally written by the author(s); may be incomplete or misleading; should NOT be used as references in papers
exact this means that articles are indexed to the most specific MeSH terms available
or BOTH search terms must appear w/in SAME citation; use this Boolean Operator when combining different concept; narrows search
citation separate terms are used for the _______ __________ and the disease or organ
when when searching the ____ database in PubMed, enter search terms one at a time, veiw tree to see if shouldn't explode, select send to search box and select subheadings an boolean operators, click search PubMed, click history to review search strategy, limit using Limit fxn; make all decisions at once; consider tox and poisoning when thinking about disease state; DON'T USE full text limit
drugs this means that articles with no exact match are indexed to the closest related MeSH term
Medline MEDLINE ____________ allows one to limit search by various areas of interest; use carefully since may exclude some relevant citations; most useful when there's a great deal of information on topic
MeSH this is a major medical database that's produced by the NLM; contains citations from approximately 5000 biomedical journals published in the US and in 70 other countries; contains well over 18 million citations dating back to 1950; available at MCPHS thru: OvidSP Medline (very expensive), PubMed Medline (free); most appropriate for novice searchers and uses FindIt@MCPHS
relational Medline ______ are used to limit search by various characteristics of study or patient population; DO NOT limit until you have COMBINED all your terms and see what your final yield is
PubMed these can be used in some cases to define a subject
dont clinical ________ are designed for the practicing clinician: provides clinical studies, systematic reviews, and medical genetics information; limits search quickly
not will EXCLUDE citations where a specific term appears; infrequently used b/c some relevant citations may be missed
queries ______ notes are used to learn how each subject heading is defined
keyword when searching the _______ database in PubMed, the _______ search will automatically map to exploded MeSH terms; click details tab to see how interface interpreted search b/c may be different from what you expect; get more results so good for things hard to find and if don't have much time; limits more important
and this secondary database is produced by Elsevier, Amsterdam; similar to Medline but indexes MORE EUROPEAN JOURNALS than medline; ~ 1800 journals UNIQUE to this database; allows you to search Medline as well; EXPENSIVE - usually only available in academic/research environments; use for: herbal or complementary therapies, may be more clinical experience in Europe than US, and when Medline provides low yield of citations; has a controlled vocabulary, EMTREE tree structure, subheadings for drugs and diseases, limit features, uses different spellings
IPA IPA searches are done with ________so searches aren't as controlled, can combine terms w/Boolean operators, and has fewer limits; MUST use SYNONYMS
MeSH the ______ term MUST appear in the MEDLINE fields for title, author, or abstract in order to get a result in keyword searching
scope ___'_ explode when: there aren't any specific terms under general term, more specific terms aren't of interest of you
subheadings the most precise way to cover a topic may be ___ MeSH _____ in combination

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