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Respiration and Digestion

Jennifer Hubert

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expiratoryreserve enzyme produced in mouth
stomach thin walled small sacs where O2 and CO2 change places
bronchioles type of food nutrient used for "long term" energy
smallintestine (two words) this is the maximum amt. your lungs can hold after DEEP breathing
external our cells exchange carbon dioxide (CO2) for this gas in the air
carbohydrate site of carbohydrate digestion
amylase enzyme produced in stomach
bronchi exchange of gases between air and lungs is _______ respiration
saturated type of lipid that flows easier through arteries and therefore is considered the better choice of lipids for health reasons.
alveoli Missing phrase2 - 19
volume large intestine removes most of this from feces
vitalcapacity two branches off the trachea
duodenum measurement taken in the balloon lab
diaphragm type of carb we cannot digest but needed to add bulk to our food and help us feel full.
water smaller branches off the two bronchi
fiber site of protein digestion
lipid site of lipid digestion (hint: starts with a "d")
diameter Missing phrase2 - 9
epiglottis meat, eggs, cheese and beans all contain a large amt. of this food nutrient
oxygen enzyme produced in liver
mouth ________ volume os the amt. air air you normally breath in
unsaturated when the diaphragm _______ and moves lower into the abdomen, the air can fill with outside air
tidal real butter and crisco are this type of lipid
bile calculated value in the balloon lab found by (1.33)(pi)(r)^3
contracts type of food nutrient used for energy
protein small fingers in the small intestine where absorption of digested nutrients actually occurs to nourish the body
pepsin flap that covers trachea when swallowing
villi abdominal muscle responsible for breathing

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