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Parenting Chapter 8

Bryan Coyle

Parenting Chapter 8 terms. Pages 152-167

trimester The weight of the fetus in this month may be 12 oz. - 2 lbs.
Rhfactor Drawing fluid from the amniotic sac by inserting a fine needle into the mother's abdomen is called amniocentesis.
amnioticsac This is the highlight of the second trimester.
anemia The price of this birth, including prenatal care, averages about $5,000.
quickening The absence of this is a common sign of pregnancy.
sixth Another substance measured by the second-trimester blood test is _______.
fourth A person trained to care for women low-risk pregnancies and to deliver their babies.
placenta Blood tests which are routine during prenatal care.
fetus Another name for a zygote.
certifiednursemidwife The product of a sperm and ovum uniting.
obstetrician A common physical discomfort that can show up during the second trimester.
zygote First test for birth defects that may be performed during pregnancy.
seventh The price of this birth may be $3,000 or higher.
third The weight of the fetus in this month may be 3-5 lbs.
embryo The fluid-filled pouch in which the embryo is cushioned.
normal Tissue attached to the uterine wall.
lightening The weight of the fetus in this month may be 5-12 oz.
eighth The weight of the fetus in this month may be 2-5 oz.
cesarean The weight of the fetus in this month may be 1-2 oz.
fifth The weight of the fetus in this month may be 2-3 lbs.
chorionicvillussampling Doctors who specialize in delivering babies.
miscarriage Another name for an unborn child.
ultrasound The weight of the fetus in this month may be 5-10 lbs.
hemorrhoids Having too few red blood cells.
msafp Extends from the embru at the navel and connects to the placenta.
amniocentesis Most women experience this as the time of delivery approaches; The fetus drops lower in the abdomen.
ninth This substance can indicate a greater likelihood of having a baby with Down syndrome.
menstruation The spontaneous expulsion of the fetus from the uterus.
hcg The most common procedure during pregnancy.
umbillicalcord Another name for the three segments which pregnancy is divided into.

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