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Chapter 11: Nutrient Wise

Charlton Elliott

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Phytochemicals The only form of carbohydrate that does not provide energy.
Soluble Fibre The body's main source of energy.
Monounsaturated Fats Minerals that are important but needed in very small amounts.
Water A fat-like substance found in all body cells and needed for many essemtial body processes.
Electrolytes These fatty acids are fats that lower the bad/LDL cholesterol and increase the good/HDL cholesterol.
Proteins The process in which missing hydrogen atoms are added to an unsaturated fat to make it firmer in texture.
Complex Carbohydrates These fatty acids are fats that raise the bad/LDL cholesterol in the bloodstream.
Cholesterol Broken down into two subategories: starches and dietary fibre.
Nutrient Deficiency The six major nutrients working together to keep your body in good health.
Carbohydrates Sometimes referred to as DRI's.
Nutrients Nutrients that help build, repair and maintain body tissues.
Nutrient Teamwork Fibre that will not dissolve in water.Fond in fruit/vegetable skins.
Vitamins Major minerals that work together to maintain the body's fluid balance.
Hydrogenation A necessity for life, six major ones.
Polyunsaturated Fats A condition that results in a severe nutrient shortage.
Simple Carbohydrates They lack one or more essential amino acids.
Incomplete Proteins This substance is essental for making hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to all the cells in your body.
Calories Sugars that include fructose, maltose and lactose.
Complete Proteins Too much of this is un healthy, but in moderate amounts it's an important asset to life.
Dietary Reference Intakes They supply all nine essential amino acids.
Amino Acids He;ps build bone and maintain bone strength.
Calcium Minerals needed in relatively large amounts.
Digestion In some cases this non-living substance may become part of body tissues, such as bone.
Minerals The amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water one degree celsius.
Fats It makes up most of your body weight.
Major Minerals These fatty acids are fats that help decrease the bad/LDL cholesterol.
Insoluble Fibre Occurs when you don't get enough to eat, usually the result of poverty.
Saturated Fats Increases the thickness of the stomach contents.
Malnutrition Disease-fighting nutrients contained in plants.
Iron The chains of chemical building blocks located in proteins.
Dietary Fibre Chemicals that help regulate many vital body processes.They could be soluble by water, unsoluble or soluble by fat.
Trace Minerals Process of breaking down food into usable nutrients, within the body.

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