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Computer Fundamentals Chapter 12

William Brooks

Principles and Practice of Nuclear Medicine: Sodee

Nyquist central processing unit; rated in megaherz (MHz)
interpolation unwanted signal
Cutoff used for dynamic aquisitions
binary one of the first reconstruction technique in Nuclear Medicine
Ramp method of subtracting counts until desired image is obtained
zoom the brain of a computer
noise filter used to rule out low-frequency background
digital strored images built and stored into the computer for preset lenght of time
ROM most commonly used back projection
hardware employs numbers as decimals for information
Hamming Read Only Memory
memory filter used to reject high frequency noise
smoothing each event is recorded by its existence and location
CPU Random Access Memory; is temporary
frame mode frequency used to specify bandwidth of a filter
iterative spatial and temporal filters
spatial filters all electronic components and gadgetry of a computer
magnetic media highest frequency
temporal used on static images to remove statistical fluctuations
matrix uses two pulses having only two discrete voltages
Background correction uses ferrous material
filtered back equals 8 bits
byte reduces digital raster effect on a static and dynamic image
analog uses 0 and 1 for codes
RAM requires magnification
list mode made up of pixels; e.g. 256 x 256

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