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Radiation Detection

Willaim Brooks

Principles and Practice of Nuclear Medicine: Sodee

Geiger Mueller region "attraction" of the electrode that cause secondary emission each time a dynode is struck
Gas detector device that detects photons; NaI(TI), Ge(Li), Si(Li) are examples
recombination involves more than one circuit; enables simultaneous or sequential counting of radioactivity
Cutie Pie worn by radiologic personnel for personal radiaiton monitoring
ionization converts light energy into electrical energy
film badge used to detect biological samples
dose rate meters increase voltage leads to this region
probe electronic device that accepts singlr pulses from a radiation detector and counts them
proportional region above saturation voltage; seen ion pairs--invloves gas amplification
scintillation detectors no pulse height, a plateau is reached; saturation
continuousregion used in the method of counting thyroid uptake
Preamplifier example of a portable dose rate meter
ionization chamber involves ion pairs collected on the walls of an ion chamber
crystal pulse height shows no difference as to primary events
Pulse Height Analyzer most widely used detector
dead time used to measure radiation in the ionization region
photomultiplier accepts certain pulses and rejects others
TLD surpasse the G-M region and is infinity
High-voltage thermoluminescent dosimetry
scaler amplifies voltage
well counter if it's not alive; counter cannot respond to another ionizing event
gain control portable; enclosed volume of gas for detection
Multichannel analyzers allows increase or decrease amplification

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