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Nuclear Medicine

William Brooks

Introduction to Nuclear Medicne (RADS 3071)

NMTCB this person provides provides ultimate Nuclear Medicine care without endangering the patient, colleagues, and the environment.
Radiopharmacuetical nuclear regulatory commission in place before the NRC.
SNM acronym for nuclear regulatory commission
ALARA passed in congress in 1948 which provided federal funds to build and renew small hospitals
JRCNMT quality control program set in place to ensure the proper performance and stability of instrumentation used in diagnostics.
WD Tucker invented iodine-132 and technetium generators in 1957
ADAC invented emission reconstruction tomogragraphyin 1962
NRC part radionuclide part pharmacuetical
Hill Burton Act invented the scintillation camera in 1958
Medicaid discovered that radium gave off light, heat, and electricity.
AART federal program that finances health costs of persons 65 years and older
AEC shipped the first SPECT camera for FDG/PET imaging in 1995
Hal Anger state administered program designed to meet the needs of low-income residents
quality control acronym for health maintenance organizations
PPO founded in 1977 to establish and maintain a voluntary program for certification of Nuclear Medicine Technologist by Nuclear Medicine Technologists.
Curie this society promotes and encourage research and the advancement of Nuclear Medicine Science.
Medicare As Low as Reasonably Achievable
JCAHO committee form formed by the American College of Radiologists, the American Society for Medical Technology.
David Kuhl American Registry of Radiologic Technologists that promotes high standards of patient care by recognizing qualified individuals
Nuclear Medicine Technologist "Get on the Bus" refers to
HMO acronym for preferred provider organization
radioisotopes independent non-profit organization established more than 50 years ago governed by physicians, nurses, and consumers.
Curie one thousand millicuries equals

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