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Nuclear Medicine

William Brooks

Principles of Nuclear Medicine I (RADS 3501)

air crosses the intact blood brain barrier
Exametazime consists of the parotid, submandibular, and sublingual glands
glucose this organ stores bile
osteoclast doesn't cross the intact blood brain barrier
methylenediphosphate from 10 to 20 mCi of MDP
Vitamin D looking at blood pool and vascularity
CNS radiopharmaceutical used in the liquid part of the gastric emptying study
doserange hormone secreted by the thyroid, reduces bone turnover
prone represents one-third of all Nuclear Medicine scans
water also known as EDC
stomach this organ consists of the fundus, corpus, and antrum
DTPA coins, keys, belt buckles, necklaces are examples
axial requires a bolus injection followed by dynamic 2 second images
artifacts composed of calcium, phosphate, and hydroxyl ions
Sjogren'ssyndrome another word for vomiting
Indium visualization of the stomach, thyroid, and salivary glands
ECD most common benign tumor of the liver
CCK difficultor or discomfort associated with swallowing
HMPAO CSF is made mostly of this substance
3Phase single photon electron computed tomography
GHA E max - Et / E max multiplied by 100
osteoblast radiopharmaceutical commonly used to image cavernous hemangioma
bonescan includes skull,spine, and thoracic girdle
crystallinelattice doesn't cross the intact blood brani barrier
boneremodeling critical organ during a bone scan
hydroxymethylenediphosphate bone formation
Kupffercells crosses the intact blood brain barrier
SPECT used to image the bone
freepertechnetate refers to increase uptake of colloid in the spleen and bone marrow relative to liver
threephasebonescan drains peritoneal fluid into the superior vena cava
hydrocephalus consists of brain and spinal cord
liver patient is lying on his back
colloidshift dual energy x-ray absorptiometry
LeVeenShunt radiopharmacuetical to image bone
DPA controls the movement of substances from the vascular space to the brain's extracellular fluid
iontrapping deossification of bone
esophagealtransit commonly used radionuclide angiogram with TC-DTPA
gallbladder radiocolloids are cleared from the circulation by this method
bladder the outer nervous tissue of the cerebral hemisphere
stannousion also known as HMPAO
esophagus mechanism by which diphosphonates localize in bone
Bicisate autoimmune disease of the salivary glands
gastricemptying also known as HMPAO
tenmillicuries free pertechnetate gets taken up in the salivary glands by this method
ventricles acts as a reducing agent
graymatter four spaces within the brain that form CSF
BBB this organ destroys old red blood cells
Calcitonin this organ is located behind the trachea
ionexchange largest organ in the body and produces bile
salivaryglands enlargement of the ventricles caused by excessive CSF
Ceretec patient is lying on his stomach
hemangioma radiopharmaceutical used in the solid part of the gastric emptying study
DEXA dual photon absorptiometry
gastrointestinaltract causes poor tagging of technetium of phosphonates
TcRBCs the amount of time taken to digest and excrete food
dysphasia assist with absorption of calcium in the intestines
spleen synonymous with Sincalide
supine brain's sole energy substrate
Tcsulfurcolloid replacement of old bone with new
emesis originates at the mouth and concludes at the anus

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