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Multiple Sclerosis

Jessica, Karen and Olivia

No description

FLUOXETINE Recommended that patients nutrition should be high in ______
depressed Oxybutynin is used for urinary _________.
retention avoid _________ and other CNS depressants when taking Fluoxetine
CCAC the ______ in the brain and spinal cord are attacked
DANTROLENE many Canadians are diagnosed per day with MS
exercise The effect of this drug is to improve in the feelings of wellbeing
fibre Multiple Sclerosis affects this system
three Weakness or paralysis of the limbs, trunk, or head
hepatoxicity A life-threatening adverse effect of Dantrolene
Tinnitus It is used to relieve spasticity in neurological disorders
myelin provide an access point to health and personal support services to help individuals live independently at home or assist them in making the transition to a long-term care home.
OXYBUTYNIN Proper nutrition, _________, and positive attitude will provide good health.
CNS Fluoxetine is prescribed when patients are feeling ____________.
motor system Type of drug causes dry mouth
alcohol ringing of the ears

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