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Integumentary Terms

Emily Borjas

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aporcine glands mostly around our hair follicles
lamellated corpuscles second phase as new tissue is formed
dermis second layer of skin
extensibility a less serious type of would healing
skin at the bottom of your nail
integumentary sensitive nerve endings
free edge glands with a waxy secretion
maturation a more serious type of wound healing
shaft protects DNA from UV rays
epidermal hormone-like proteins
dermal beneath the dermis
nail bed time to trim your nails you have a...
langerhans a root sheath of protection around the hair follicle
inflammatory sweat gland found in the forehead
nail root keratrin beneath the scalp
dandruff structures that increase the papillary region's surface
papillary a folding on the nail
reticular cells at the base of the epidermis
migratory body system dealing with the skin
hypodermis cells from red bone marrow
stratum basale the scab comes off
keratinization region of areolar connective tissue
elasticity main part of a nail
deep someone who treats and diagnoses skin ailments
dermal papillae sweat gland found in the clitoris
pores fibroblasts spread collagen fibers
sebaceous deepest layer of the epidermis
sebum largest organ
ceruminous whitish part of a nail
root you brush this part of your keratin
dermatologist first phase with bloods clots
contact inhibition small openings in the epidermis
moon power to return to normal after stretch
eccrine when cells move from one layer to another
epidermal growth factor holds an internal and external sheath
melanin a healing response when cells meet
granulation secretion that keeps our eyes moist
melanocytes region of irregular connective tissue
epithelial root sheath tissue formed by fibroblasts
merkel cells we shed off our scalp
proliferative contains melanin
cuticle power to stretch

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