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health and P.E

mr d


insulin produces insulin
saliva known as air sacs
veins name of a greek god and the end of a muscle
acid an another name for fat
food pyramid is found in stomach and can burn you
aorta far too much weight
ligaments the process of breaking down food
cardiovascular thisvery important band of nerves is found in your back
carbohydrates heart and transport system
oesaphagus pumps blood away from the heart
pancreas the egyptians built this but we also use as a food guide
tendon muscles help us to do this
cholesterol attaches to bones together
liver carries deoxygenated blood to heart
salt clogs up blood vessels and is also found in ear wax
atrium carry messages to muscles
glucose fats from meats and animal products
large intestine energy system used when doing a long run
alveoli the ability to change direction quickly
biceps mesures aerobic fitness in stages
fat the tube for food to travel to the stomach
diabetes our ribs are attached to it
appendix waste product of breathing
fiber an enzyme in the mouth
agility used to chew food
artery the body's computer system
unsaturated another name for simple sugar
aerobic exercising without oxygen
small intestine big muscles of the upper arms
anaerobic controls the body's sugar level
beep tests small hair like projection that absorb food
lipid the knee cap
patella bread cereal potatoes are examples of this
villi A B C D E K are very important nutrients for health
bile absorbs water
saturated a rotten thing to happen to teeth
nerves the windpipe
stomach the biggest blood vessel
decay smallest blood vessel
spinal cord this substance is really bad for your blood pressure
obese the top chambers of the heart
trachea a big organ on the right side of the body that is known as the chemical factory
sternum fats that come from plants and vegetables
protein we don't need it and we often take it out if it gets inflamed
movement the gall bladder produces this to breakdown fats
brain is about 7 mts long
teeth helps move food through the digestive system
capillaries this churns food up
vitamins a disease related to sugar
digestion we find it in lean meat and fish
carbon dioxide we should not have much of this

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