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GI Disorders

Michael Faraci, RN

This crossword puzzle will help students review for N196 Exam

perforation The patient with active diverticulitis should be educated to eat little of this _______?
gastroenteritis This is a surgical emergency that can be a complication of PUD
demerol This medication is prescribed for pancreatitis pain
volvulus Accumulation of free fluid within peritoneal cavity caused by cirrhosis
clotting Chronic inflammatory bowel disease that affects the colon and rectum
enzyme When assessing the GI system, this is done last
dumpingsyndrome Extensive scarring of the liver usually caused by alcoholism
ascites This organ collects, concentrates and stores bile from the liver
alkolotic The patient who has extensive vomitting will have blood gases that are__________?
B12 Inflammatory diseas of the small intestine and or colon
fiber Yellowing of the skin and sclera caused by liver and gall bladder disease
cholelithiasis The patient with IBS should be educated to eat more of this______?
gallbladder The liver produces these factors
jaundice The patient with pernicious anemia will have to take these shots once per month
cirrhosis This is a twisting of the bowel
ulcerativecolitis Gall stones
Chrons This is a visual examinination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum using a fiberoptic endoscope
fiber The patient with pancreatitis may need to take this kind of a supplement with meals
EGD Traveler's diarrhea
palpation The patient who underwent GI surgery is at risk for

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