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Chapter 8: Energy Balance and Body Composition

Gertrudis Garcia

Follow the clues to complete the crossword. Some of the words may be two words written together as one (e.g. food intake = foodintake). You may use your text but you cannot ask for help from another classmate, this is an individual activity. There is a time frame of 10 minutes. The first person to complete the crossword recieves a prize.

InsulinResistance The painful sensation caused by a lack of food that initiates food-seeking behavior
AdaptiveThermogenesis The rate of energy use for metabolism under specified conditions: after a 12-hour fast and restful sleep, without any physical activity or emotional excitement, and in a confortable setting. It is usually expressed as kcalories per kg body weight per hour
Appetite The number of kcalories that the body derives from a food, as acontrasted with the number of kcalories determined by calorimetry
RMR Having the power to suppress hunger and inhibit eating
BodyMassIndex Measures the amount of heat releases
Satiety An anthropometric measurement used to assess a person's abdominal fat.
IndirectCalorimetry Body weight above some standard of acceptable weight that is usually defined in relation to height (such as BMI)
ThermicEffect The feeling of satisfaction that occurs after a meal and inhibits eating until the next meal. It determines how much time passes between meals.
BodyComposition A chemichal produces in the brain that stimulates appetite, diminishes energy expenditure, and increases fat storage
PhysiologicalFuelValue Body weight below some standard of acceptable weight that is usually defined in relation to height (such as BMI)
CentralObesity The feeling of satisfaction and fullness that occurs during a meal and halts eating. It determines how much food is consumed during a meal.
BasalMetabolicRate Also called th Specific Dynamic Effect of food or the Specific ynamic Activity of food.
Satiating Fat stored within the abdominal cavity in association with the internal abdominal organs, as opposed to the fat stored under the skin
Intra-abdominalFat Adjustments in energy expenditure related to changes in environment such as extreme cold and to physiological events such as overfeeding, trauma, and changes in hormone status
Underweight Eating in responce to arousal
Overweight Also called Abdominal Fat or Upper-body fat
NeuropeptideY An index of a person's weight in relation to height; determined by dividing the weight (in kilograms) by the square of the height (in meters)
Hypothalamus The weight of the body minus the fat content
DirectCalorimetry Similar to the BMR, a measure of the energy use od a person at rest in a confortable setting, but with less stringent criteria for recent food intake and physical activity. Consequently, it is slightly higher than the BRM
WaistCircumference The integrated responce to the sight, smell, thought, or taste of food that initiates or delays eating
LeanBodyMass The proportions of muscle, bone, fat, and other tissue that make up a person's total body weight
StressEating Measures the amount of oxygen consumed
Satiation A brain center that controls activities such as maintenance of water balance, regulation of body temp., and control of appetite
Hunger The reduced ability of insulin to regulate glucose metabolism

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