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Head and Spinal Injuries

EMS Unit 4

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Bradycardia Amnesia tha tcauses a person to forget things that happened after an injury
rhinorrhea A slow heart beat
retrogradeamnesia Bruising around the mastoid process as the result of a skull fracture
posttraumatic Cerebrospinal fluid exiting the body through the ears.
otorreha Hematoma in the head that is the result of injuried veins.
contrecoup Associated with spinal injury, shows as flushed skin, low blood pressure, and bradycardia.
paralysis The inability to move as a result of a spinal injury.
subdural Not able to remember things that happened prior to the injury
Paresthesia Hematoma found between the dura mater and the skull.
paraplegia Facture of the skull opposite to the site of impact.
neurogenicshock Bruising around the eyes from a skull fracture.
concussion Loss of bladder and bowel control.
Foramen Immediate, transient impairment of cerebral function.
incontenance Collection of blood under the skin.
hematoma Space in the vertebra that the spinal cord runs through.
logroll Numbness and tingling felt due to a nerve injury
raccooneyes Movement technique used when moving a person with a spinal injury who is lying prone.
Battlesign Cerebrospinal Fluid exiting the body through the nose.
epidural Loss of use and feeling of the lower extremities

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