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Diverticular Disease

Linda Chambers

This is a crossword puzzle for Nursing School teaching project.

Fiber A nursing theorist that we all have grown to love
Colon An abnormal connection of tissue between two organs.
Colostomy Inflammation or infection in the intestinal tract causing pain
Diverticula He developed a hierarchy of needs
Metamucil An infected area with pus that may cause swelling and destroy tissue
Maslow Episodes of bleeding that usually last longer than a few minutes.
Fistula Forces occurring between one or more individuals
Erickson Bulk forming laxative.
interpersonal Forces occuring outside the individual
Colonoscopy The large intestine frome the ileum to the anal canal.
Hemorrhage Eating a diet high in _____ is recommended for prevention.
Anticholinergics broad spectrum antibiotic
extrapersonal The opening of a portion of the colon through th abdomeinal wall to the skin suface.
Abscess Bulging pouches in a person's digestive tract
Peritonitis Visualization of the lower Gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
Diverticulitis We follow his developmental stages in our nursing program.
intrapersonal Forces occurring within the individual
Betty Neuman Risk for _________ is a nursing diagnosis for diverticulitis.
Infection Drugs to control bowel contractions
Flagyl Infection that spreads into the abdominal cavity

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