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Let's Talk Diabetes!

Charlotte Barnes

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insulin condition when body does not respond to insulin
medications Beneficiaries who are eligible for diabetic testing supplies at little or no cost
three complete loss of sensation in the feet leads to injuries which further leads to
retinopathy natural hormone that helps body use blood sugar for energy
carbohydrates major complication of the kidney due to diabetes
juvenile Blood glucose reading of 65 mg/dl
Glucophage Gestational diabetes normally occurs in these women
amputation eating healthy to delay diabetes
low All diabetics must receive this eye exam yearly
nephropathy Diabetes type accounting for 90% of all cases
exercise number of times one should check blood sugar on average
American condition when ketones turn the blood acidic
chronic small, white, fine particle used for flavoring a.k.a. diabetes
monitor the "A" in ADA stands for ___ Diabetes Association
lancet Brand name for Metformin
Medicare a test to determine glucose control for the past 2 to 3 mos: ___ A1c
logbook 15 grams are needed when sugar drops below 70 mg/dl
two Diabetes Mellitus is a disease known to last a lifetime
resistance aid used to record daily blood glucose values
hemoglobin patients often suffer ___ ___ because of hardened arteries
ketoacidosis Blood glucose reading of 180 mg/dl
dilated 17 yr old most likely has Type 1 diabetes previously known as
sugar walking, running, gardening to gain control of diabetes
high product used to prick fingertips for blood
diet BB King checks his glucose levels using this device
pregnant major complication of the eye due to diabetes
symptoms increased urination, thirst, hunger, fatigue are classic examples of
heart attacks Glyburide, Avandia, and Actos

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