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Conflict Resolution


Vocabulary and information for chapter 14 on conflicts and preventing violence.

homicide a situation that is unhealthful and unsafe
peer-mediator happens to people from all walks of life
prejudice person who commits a violent act
rights problem solving and negotiation with the help of a trained person
escalate start of minor issues and can affect lives of entire populations
assailant help other teens find solutions to the problem
battery second leading cause of death for ages 15 - 24
abuse talking about what is needed to solve the problem at hand without blaming
rape hate crimes based on misguided generalization
confidentiality a normal part of life
respect an essential element in resolving conflicts
conflict crimes committed against an innocent bystander
mediation used in conjunction with sexual abuse
violence a violation of can lead to violence or destruction of another person's property
sexual-assault involve mixed emotions and can arise over appearance of good choices
random-violence one of the least reported crimes
internal does not always involve sexual intercourse
tolerance important in promoting peace
negotiation keeping details a secret by respecting the privacy of all parties
interpersonal cause deep emotional scar

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