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Circulatory System- Intro


Basic circulatory sytem

Varicosities Weak area in arterial wall- abnormal widening
coronary Decaying Tissue
aneurysm Artery that supplies blood to kidneys
Thrombophlebitis Internal ____ vein drains blood from sinuses of the brain
pericardium An artery expanding
popliteal Shock result from loss of blood or low volume
capillaries Valves to prevent retrograde blood flow
iliac Hardening of the arteries
hypovolemic All functions of circulatory system occur in the capillary ____
renal Inferior ___ vein drains blood from lower body
radial Artery that supplies blood to armpit
unlar Protective membrane around heart
venous Connect arterioles
basilic Inflammation caused by clot formation
jugular hollow space within a tube
brachial Collect blood from capillaries
atherosclerosis Moves blood towards heart
venules System that transports materials through body
peroneal Decrease of blood flow to tissues
arteriosclerosis Artery that supplies blood to mouth, pharnyx, face
occipital Surgical procedure used to open up arteries
angioplasty Arteries Superior
cva Artery that supplies blood to head
phlebitis Valve that blood flows through at the entrance of the aorta
hepatic Vein that drains blood from medial arm
veins Artery that supplies blood to medial side of hand
lumen Moves blood away from heart
pulmonary Vein that drains blood from spleen
cardiogenic Vein that drains blood from liver
tricuspid Stroke (abbrev)
venacava Inflammation of the vein
anaphylactic Valve that blood flows through into right ventricle
capillaries Tissue death
circulatory Shock caused by allergic reaction
facial Artery that supplies blood to stomach, spleen, liver
splenic Valves become incompetent
beds Artery that supplies blood to leg
septic Moves blood through organs
cephalic Shock result from heart failure
necrosis External ___ vein drains blood from lower limb
pulse Vein that drains blood from lateral arm
splenic Blockage of the arteries
aortic Artery that supplies blood to lateral side of hand
ischemia Artery that supplies blood to arm
axillary Vein that drains blood from foot
celiac Shock results from complications of septicemia
gangrene Vein that drains blood from lungs
arteries Arteries that empty into right heart atrium
mesenteric Artery that supplies blood to spleen

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