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Circulation, Respiration and Digestion

Jennifer Hubert

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arterioles used to listen to blood squirting through artery when measuring blood pressure
plasma healthy systolic pressure should be _____ 140.
under this node is in the right atrium and starts the heartbeat, also called the pacemaker
left the smallest vessels in the body, only one cell layer thick
atrium pressure of blood when ventricles CONTRACT
right "O" blood type is the universal ______ because they have no RBC proteins that would clot other blood types
sinoatrial blood disease RBCs rupture (burst) thus causing loss of oxygen to body cells
subclavian arteries carring blood to the head and neck
vein arteries carrying blood to the arms
carotid used in measuring blood pressure to cut off blood supply and measure pressure when blood squirts through reopened artery.
vena cava deoxygenation blood returns to the heart in the right ______.
artery watery fluid that makes up blood
hemoglobin arteries branch into smaller vessels called ________.
diastole ventricle of the heart that pump blood into the aorta
venules name for molecule in RBC that carries oxygen
ventricle normal human RBCs do not have one of these
four pressure of blood when ventricles RELAX
recipient blood disease where WBC have extremely enlarged nuclei.
femural blood returns to the heart through these two veins
systole largest artery in the body, comes out of the heart
stethescope largest chambers of the heart
donor these smaller branches feed into veins
sickle cell return blood to the heart, can stretch many times normal size, and have backflow valves
capillaries number of valves in the heart
aorta arteries carrying blood to the upper legs
cuff "AB" blood type is the universal ________ because they have no plasma proteins that would clot with other blood types.
proteins the ______ ventricle pumps blood to the lungs
mono blood type is determined by _______ on the red blood cells or plasma of a person.
nucleus which has a thicker wall, an artery or a vein?

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