myocaridal ischemia | | pertaining to between the atria |
interatrial | | removal of the inner lining of the arterial wall |
angiospasm | | process of recording arteries |
phlebothrombosis | | sudden, involuntary contraction of blood vessels |
electrocardiogram | | disturbance in the flow of blood to one or more parts of the brain |
cerebrovascular accident | | accumulation of fatty debris on the iner arterial wall. A type of arteriosclerosis |
arteriography | | small vein |
atherosclerosis | | a hold back of blood to the heart muscle |
echocardiogram | | specialist in the study of the heart |
pancarditis | | escape of fluid into the surrounding tissue |
venous | | record of the heart using sound waves |
thrombophlebitis | | dilation of a blood vessel |
atheroma | | inflammation of all the walls of the heart |
arterioles | | pertaining to a vein |
angiography | | surgical repair of a stenosed blood vessel |
angioplasty | | small arteries |
endarterectomy | | hardening of the artery |
venule | | inflammation of a vein with clot formation |
arteriosclerosis | | process of recording a blood vessel |
extravasation | | record of the electrical activity of the heart |
angiectasis | | fatty mass or debris |
cardiologist | | abnormal condition of clots in a vein |