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Cardiovascular System II

Peggy LePage

This crossword puzzle covers the last portion of the class material (valves through cardiac cycle)

RightVentricle Leaking or backflow due to a damaged valve is know as a _________valve.
Vagus Cardac myocytes do not experience this type of muscle contraction
Myocardial The heart has a great deal of difficulty adapting to sudden, ________ changes such as a ruptured chordae tendinae
FrankStarlingLawOfTheHeart 15% of the work of the heart is used to move the blood into the outflow vessels
Pressure Contraction phase of the cardiac cycle
GapJunctions Purkinge fibers are electrically coupled to the _______ cells
Ventricles Action potential moves to the ventricules via this portion of the conducting system
Incompetent EDV - ESV
Mitochondria More blood returning to the heart will stretch the ventricular myocardium and a more forceful contraction will occur
Calcium Relaxation phase of the cardiac cycle
Acute Pattern cardiac myocytes form
Bradycardia Slow than normal heart beat (<60 beats/min)
Syncytium Rapid heart rate (greater than 100 beats/min)
Sympathetic Once a mechanical valve is placed the patient must be on ______ therapy for the rest of their life.
AVnode Initation of an action potential occurs here.
Stenoic Enlargement of heart muscle due to disease or exercise
CardiacCycle Sodium leaks into the nodal cells via these channels
SinoatrialNode 85% of the oxygen within the heart is used during this phase
JunctionalRhythm The percentage of blood ejected from the heart is known as the ________
StrokeVolume Divsion of the autonomic system that increases the rate and force of contraction of the heart
Volume The influx of this ion results in the plateau phase of the cardiac myocyte
Automaticity SV X HR
Contractile Narrow valve oriface is said to be ___________.
FattyAcids Cell junction responsible for ion movement between myocytes
Diastole A group of cells that function as a unit.
Tachycardia Cardiac myocytes burn this for energy in a fasting state
Arrhythmia Renegade cells are firing
IsovolumetricContraction Irregular heart beat due to uncoordinated electrical events
CardiacOutput This nerve slow SA node depolarization
Systole 85% of the work of the heart is __________ work used to open the semilunar valves
BundleofHis 23-40% of the myocytes cell volume is composed ot these organelles
RightAtrium The location of both regions of nodal cells
EctopicFocus Pressue is 25/0 mmHg
Tetanic At rest the heart completes this in 0.8 Sec
Preload This portion of the conducting system will set the pace of the heart if the SA node is no longer functioning
Funny The volume of blood in the ventricles immediately prior to contraction
Branched AV node is pacing
Anticlotting Lower chambers that pump the same volume at the same time
Hyperthrophy 99% of the myocytes are ______________.
EjectionFraction The term used to describe the myocytes abiltity to generate an action potential without nervous input

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