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Brand Vs. Generic

Tracey Johnson, Pharm. D.

Fill in the appropriate Brand or Generic medication with the clue provided.

Cogentin Neomycin, Polymixin, Dexamethasone (eye formula)
Meperidine Quetiapine
Moxifloxacin Isometheptene, Dichloralphenazone, APAP
Clomid Catapress
Lovastatin Lidex Cream
Salmerterol Metoclopramide
Prolixin Bactroban
Reglan Captopril
Adalimumab Diflucan
Proscar Stadol NS
Fluconazole Carbiodopa-Levodopa
Xanax Climara Patch
Ciloxan Accupril
Arimidex Zyprexa
Clonidine Mometasone Cream
Zantac Glyburide and Metformin
Mupirocin Alprazolam
Olanzapine Adapalene (cream or gel)
Bumetadine Simvastatin
Glucovance Benztropine
Capotan Bumex
Seroquel Benzonatate
Differin Oxycodone ER
Zofran Oxycodone/APAP (5/500)
Neurontin Nortriptyline
Dilantin Clomiphene
Omeprazole Fluphenazine
clomipramine Humira
Oxycontin Ciprofloxacin (eye formulation)
Loratadine Insulin Lispro
Persantine Promethazine
Zyvox Gabapentin
Maxitrol Ultram
Elocon Ranitidine
Phenergan Ondansetron
Flonase Lotensin
Benazepril Chlorpromazine
Sporonox Anastrozole
Levemir Finasteride
Pamelor Prilosec
Tessalon Tigan
Tramadol Fluticasone
Midrin Anafranil
Tylox Phenytoin
Quinapril Itraconazole
Trimethobenzamide Nizoral
Butorphanol Serevent Discus
Omnicef Hydromorphone
Fluocinolone Citalopram
Zocor Dipyridamole
Ketoconazole Claritin
Dilaudid Linezolid
Cytotec Mevacor
Estradiol Misoprostol
Mephyton Vitamin K (Phytonadione)
Fluoxetine Cefdinir
Sinemet Insulin Detemir
Humalog Avelox
Thorazine Demerol
Celexa Prozac

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