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The Body

Britny Tewell

No description

Mouth Made up of the skull, spinal column, rib cage and sternum
Reproductive Egg Cell
Teeth The means in which urine is excreted from the body
Stomach Skin and muscular covering of the testes
Urethra Regulates the amount of water in the body
Scapula This type of exam is offered to both males and females
Large The point where two nerve processes meet
Spleen Type of join allowing movement in two planes
Irregular The largest artery
Aorta The voice box
Scrotum Air sacs
Synapse Shoulder blade
Cerebellum The tiniest blood vessels
Lungs The time in which a female carries a maturing embryo/fetus
Liver The middle, thick muscular layer of the heart
Digestive Blood cells that absorb carbon dioxide from tissues
Pancreas An elastic bag-type organ consisting of three muscle layers
Cilia In adulthood there are 206 of these in the body
Platelets This system assures the continuation of the human species
Red These cells send messages to your brain
Clitoris Shin bone
Trachea Oval shaped organ beside the stomach on the left side of the upper abdominal cavity
Kidneys Organ in which sperm is produced
Bladder Indigestible parts of food are moved into this intestine
Bones This system contains the heart, blood vessels, and the blood
Midbrain Consists of erectile tissue and nerve endings similar to the male penis
Tibia These are used as a clotting mechanism
Ovum Wind pipe
Alveoli The highest point of the brain stem
Capillaries Type of bones that include the vertebrae, carpals, tarsals, and patella
Saddle A collapsible bag near the front of the pelvis
Myocardium Where food enters
Nerve Regulates the blood sugar level
Larynx The part of your brain that controls your balance
Testes The hair in your nostrils
Circulatory Where waste leaves the body
Veins The largest internal organ
Pelvic These bring the blood back to the heart
Anus This system is responsible for breaking down food into absorbable nutrients
Axial Chews the food
Pregnancy Where carbon dioxide is exchanged for oxygen

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