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Birth Defects

Richard Myers, Stephan Osborne,

Complete this crossword puzzle using the Study guide Mrs. Morris gave you

Rubella When a baby is born with an extra 21 chromosome
150,000 A missing or extra one of these affects sexual development and may cause infertility
Reproduction 1% of babies are born of this disease which caues mental retardation
Syphillis The stage where most birth defects occur
Metobolic Disorder 1 in ____ babie are affected by fetal alcohol syndrome
Yes The most common type of structural birth defects (1 baby in 125)
pregnancy extra 18 and 13 chromosomes cause this and later, death
Phenylketronuria a fatal disorder of lungs and other organs affecting mainly caucasians
cystic fibrosis a blood clotting disorder
Down Syndrome This affects 1in 3500 babies and detsroys brain cells because of a lack of enzymes
Sex chromosome When the spine is exposed bast the epidermal layer affecting 1 in 2,000 babies
Heart Defects this birth defect is mainly found in european jewish heritage
Spina Bifida This is when a mother and a fathers and - blood do not mix
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy This many babies are born wtih birth defects every year
Tay-Sachs A defect causing progressive muscular weakness
1000 A congenital infection that causes deafness, retardation, heart defects, and blindness
hemophilia This is how babies are made, which also is where many birth defects are traded between parents
Rh Factor Can some birth defects be prevented?
Cytomegalovirus This STD causes stillbirth, newborn death, and bone defects in babies
Multiple birth defects When a baby cannot process a part of proteins that affect brain development

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