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Methods of Birth Control

Jacob Udell

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Spermicide Most effective (JSN) Both partners must make decision.
True _________ Ring.
Douching the method was always used correctly with every act of sexual intercourse but failed anyway.
Three True or false, seminal fluid is not released after a vasectomy.
Sixty True or False, spermicide requires no prescription.
True Male Sterilization.
Same No longer Available for women who started it before 2003 May continue to use it.
Sunday JSN stands for.
Condom A T-shaped device that is inserted into the uterus.
Cervicalcap Spermicide is good for ______applications.
Norplant RU 486.
ControceptiveInjection Approximately ____% of all pregnancies are unplanned.
VaginalContraceptiveFilm True or False, a cervical cap is more effective with no previous births.
JustSayNo Prescription required requires no STD protection.
Diaphragm Female Sterilization.
False Non- prescriptive- 2” Diameter.
True RU 486 is antagonistic to _______.
One Start the Patch the _________ after menstruation.
BarrierMethods A shallow cup of thin rubber stretched over a flexible ring.
Doesnot True or False, Vaseline may destroy the condom.
Sponge A person is _______ during a vasectomy.
Six True or False, Rotate the patch each time new patch is used.
Nuva Prevent pregnancy by placing a physical or chemical "wall" between the sperm and the cervix.
Eight A chemical that kills sperm before they enter the uterus.
AbortionPill "Trickster" invented in 1960
True True or False, It is safe to use the Nova ring if you smoke.
Awake ______ types of condoms.
Twenty True or false, Condoms can be used more than once.
MorningAfterPill The pill must be taken everyday at the _____ time.
IntrauterineDevice A small, thimble shaped latex cup
True The diaphram and cervical cap are sold __________ at drugstores.
Nomethod Similar to the pill; uses synthetic hormones.
Vasectomy Intended for people who don't want children in the future.
TubalLigation Introduced in the U.S. in 1985.
Applicator Doesn' work to prevent pregnancy, it can lead to PID and increase your risk .
Overthecounter package contains ___ Nuva Ring.
Highestexpectedrates Spermicide must be used with an _________.
False 85% of getting pregnant.
Sterilization ECP.
Patch Oldest selling condom on the market.
Abstinence 3 months at a time. Approved in 1992.
Pill A ________ prevents sperm passage into the vagina.
NaturalFamilyPlanning the method either was not always used correctly or was not used with every act of sexual intercourse.
Progesterone 50% percent of ______ are purchasing condoms today.
Women Both partners need to participate.
False True or False, HIV has been found in pre-ejaculatory fluid.
Typicaluserates A female condom can be inserted into the vagina up to how many hours before sexual intercourse?
True True or False, Vaginal Contraceptive Film can be held in a purse or pocket.
HormonalMethods Each packet of VaginalContraceptiveFilm contain ____ pieces.
Lambskin Norplant ____ provide STD protection.

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